Angels Watching Over You
“Therefore, angels are only servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation.”
Hebrews 1:14
I always enjoy stories where people share about how a mysterious person showed up in a time of need and helped them or comforted them while they waited for help to arrive. I have read numerous accounts where someone was involved in a terrible accident of some kind and when they were found by emergency personnel and rescued they wanted to thank the person who stayed with them by their side throughout their ordeal. Almost dumbfounded, the first responders will say there was no one with the victim, they say they were trapped all alone and yet the victim swears there was this person who was there to comfort them and who promised they would not leave them until help arrived. It’s as if these helpers were angels from heaven as no one is able to account for their presence at the scene of the accident other than the person who was in a life threatening situation.
Have you ever taken time to study what the Bible says about angels? Here are just a few verses in scripture to think about today. Psalm 91:11-12, “For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.” In Exodus 23:20 we read, “See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you.” My favorite verse regarding angels is found in Hebrews 13:2, “Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it.”
Just like the stories you hear at accident scenes where a person is described as being present but no one but the victim could see them tells me that angels take on the form in the appearance of mankind. That’s exciting to know as that means you and I could as the Scriptures say, “entertain angels unaware.” I truly believe from the scriptures we just read above each of us has a guardian angel if not more! It was Christmas of 1980 when I was driving up to my parents house in Lake Isabella during a winter storm. The Kern River canyon was known for rock slides and that night unbeknownst to me a major rock slide had taken place and Cal Trans had just reported the Canyon road was closed. The problem was I was already in the canyon when the announcement was made and I was completely unaware of the danger that was ahead. As I came around one of the many blind corners the road was covered with a rock debris field due to a slide the jagged edges of the rocks punctured two of my tires and they immediately went flat. Sitting there on the side of the road stranded in the pouring rain no vehicles were coming from behind me as the road was now closed to traffic. I had no idea of the events taking place as there was no reception in the canyon.
After about 30 minutes of just sitting there in my car I saw headlights coming towards me from the east, the direction where I was headed. An old and what I would have called “Hippie Van” from the 1970’s pulled up and an elderly woman (angel) rolled down her window and said, “Come with me and I will get you out of here.” She proceeded to tell me that the canyon was closed due to major rocks slides. She said she lived up in the mountains outside of Lake Isabella and was listening to the radio when she heard the news and she felt the Lord telling her to go help the people in distress. She told me I should thank Jesus for my flat tires as those flat tires saved my life. No idea what she meant made perfect sense as we came around another sharp bling curve. In what would have been my lane was a huge bolder that had fallen on the road weighing a few tons. Had I not got a flat tire I would have rounded the turn where the boulder was and I would have either hit it head on or maybe I would have swerved to miss it and drove over the edge of a steep cliff into the waters of the Kern River below. Needless to say, I had angels watching over me that night and one driving a “hippie van.”
The good news today is we don’t have to go around looking for angels today, they are all around us, sent from above! Just thank God today that they are there for you, working on our behalf. And not only are angels watching out for us, the angels in heaven celebrate with us too. Luke 15:10 reminds us that every time a person turns to Jesus for salvation the Bible says that the angels of heaven rejoice over us! Keep your eyes open as there really are angels watching over you!
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”
Hebrews 12:1
Hebrews 1:14
I always enjoy stories where people share about how a mysterious person showed up in a time of need and helped them or comforted them while they waited for help to arrive. I have read numerous accounts where someone was involved in a terrible accident of some kind and when they were found by emergency personnel and rescued they wanted to thank the person who stayed with them by their side throughout their ordeal. Almost dumbfounded, the first responders will say there was no one with the victim, they say they were trapped all alone and yet the victim swears there was this person who was there to comfort them and who promised they would not leave them until help arrived. It’s as if these helpers were angels from heaven as no one is able to account for their presence at the scene of the accident other than the person who was in a life threatening situation.
Have you ever taken time to study what the Bible says about angels? Here are just a few verses in scripture to think about today. Psalm 91:11-12, “For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.” In Exodus 23:20 we read, “See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you.” My favorite verse regarding angels is found in Hebrews 13:2, “Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it.”
Just like the stories you hear at accident scenes where a person is described as being present but no one but the victim could see them tells me that angels take on the form in the appearance of mankind. That’s exciting to know as that means you and I could as the Scriptures say, “entertain angels unaware.” I truly believe from the scriptures we just read above each of us has a guardian angel if not more! It was Christmas of 1980 when I was driving up to my parents house in Lake Isabella during a winter storm. The Kern River canyon was known for rock slides and that night unbeknownst to me a major rock slide had taken place and Cal Trans had just reported the Canyon road was closed. The problem was I was already in the canyon when the announcement was made and I was completely unaware of the danger that was ahead. As I came around one of the many blind corners the road was covered with a rock debris field due to a slide the jagged edges of the rocks punctured two of my tires and they immediately went flat. Sitting there on the side of the road stranded in the pouring rain no vehicles were coming from behind me as the road was now closed to traffic. I had no idea of the events taking place as there was no reception in the canyon.
After about 30 minutes of just sitting there in my car I saw headlights coming towards me from the east, the direction where I was headed. An old and what I would have called “Hippie Van” from the 1970’s pulled up and an elderly woman (angel) rolled down her window and said, “Come with me and I will get you out of here.” She proceeded to tell me that the canyon was closed due to major rocks slides. She said she lived up in the mountains outside of Lake Isabella and was listening to the radio when she heard the news and she felt the Lord telling her to go help the people in distress. She told me I should thank Jesus for my flat tires as those flat tires saved my life. No idea what she meant made perfect sense as we came around another sharp bling curve. In what would have been my lane was a huge bolder that had fallen on the road weighing a few tons. Had I not got a flat tire I would have rounded the turn where the boulder was and I would have either hit it head on or maybe I would have swerved to miss it and drove over the edge of a steep cliff into the waters of the Kern River below. Needless to say, I had angels watching over me that night and one driving a “hippie van.”
The good news today is we don’t have to go around looking for angels today, they are all around us, sent from above! Just thank God today that they are there for you, working on our behalf. And not only are angels watching out for us, the angels in heaven celebrate with us too. Luke 15:10 reminds us that every time a person turns to Jesus for salvation the Bible says that the angels of heaven rejoice over us! Keep your eyes open as there really are angels watching over you!
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”
Hebrews 12:1
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