You matter to God and your life has purpose and meaning. We want to help you connect with God and assist you in discovering who God created you to be. We want to be there along side you on your journey of faith, to assist you in both finding and taking that next step. For some it’s receiving God’s forgiveness and finding new life in Jesus Christ. For others it’s discovering your unique giftedness and calling. For all of us its about growing in community, sharing life together, giving and serving as we meet regularly.
Life is a tapestry of highs and lows, laughter and tears and you don’t have to go it alone. As you discover a Connect Group or other small group ministry to plug into you will begin to make new friends with people who genuinely care about you. Together you can grow, serve, and share with one another on this journey we call life.
Life is a tapestry of highs and lows, laughter and tears and you don’t have to go it alone. As you discover a Connect Group or other small group ministry to plug into you will begin to make new friends with people who genuinely care about you. Together you can grow, serve, and share with one another on this journey we call life.

Service Times
Sunday Mornings
8:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
Wednesday Evenings
6:30 pm
The Real Mount Sinai?
Four Calvary Chapel pastors (David Guzik, Chuck Musselwhite, Miles DeBenedictis, and Lance Ralston) went on a trip to Saudi Arabia in March 2023 to investigate the claim that the real Mt Sinai is there, rather than the traditional site in the Sinai Peninsula. Pastor Lance made a video of the photos and footage we took of the trip. It’s not made for Hollywood but it’s definitely good enough to enjoy! The conclusion these pastors reached by taking into account all the evidence available is they believe that Jabal Magla in Saudi Arabia is most likely the real Mount Sinai.