Your Personal Love Story

“For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.”

Colossians 1:13–14

My favorite movies are love stories and action thrillers and most likely for the simple fact our lives are an adventurous love story. To me every good movie has a hero, a heroine, and a villain. The movie starts off with life seemingly perfect until something goes terribly wrong. The heroine gets tricked and ends up doing something that gets her taken hostage by the villain. The news gets to the hero of the story and because of his love for the heroine he risks life and limb to rescue her. There is tension, and suspense and he is at times outnumbered but never deterred. Often times in attempting the rescue he becomes captured himself and suffers bodily harm during the operation but  never gives up. In the end the hero rescues the heroine and they live happily ever after. You have probably watched a movie or two that followed that plot line.

Are you aware that the Bible is a love story and Jesus is the hero and you and I are the heroine in the story even though our actions like Adam and Eve’s were anything but noble which makes our love one of redemption that is much more endearing. We went against everything we were instructed to do. We rebelled against God (the hero) and we were taken captive by the enemy of our soul and yet because of God’s love for us He sent Jesus to rescue us. Using the plot line from a nail biting action movie you could say we are all trapped behind enemy lines ever since the Fall of man.

To rescue us God did the unthinkable. He took on human flesh to conceal His deity. God Himself was born into this world to save us. God loves you so much He gave His life so you could have one. The story of the Bible is the most amazing love story in the history of the world and unlike fictional movies the Bible is absolutely true! Motivated by His love for you Jesus endured the Cross and despised its shame so we could live. Not only does Jesus pay the price of our redemption with His own blood, He continues to pray for us and to prepare a place for us and the best news still is one day soon He will come for us personally to be with Him forever. When the honeymoon suite is complete in the Father’s House Jesus (just like a groom in a Jewish wedding) He will come at a time no one knows and He will personally bring us to the marriage super of the Lamb. The ending is the end of all endings!

Yes, friend, you are a star in God’s love story. He loves you and promises to find you and rescue you and take you to a place where you are forever safe from harm and can be with the Lord forever. Your story is a beautiful tapestry of events. Many by themselves are painful and at times feel overwhelming and like you just can’t go on. It’s in those moments where Jesus finds you and comes to you and affirms His love and His desire for you so you can hold on. That’s what the Bible is. It’s our love letter to put in writing to us God’s plan and purposes for us. The Bible always brings the believer hope as it reminds us that our story isn’t over, the best is yet to be because with Jesus there is always a happy ending!  

“The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time.”

Psalm 34:19


Michael Osthimer





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