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“I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth!

Psalm 121:1-2

Corrie Ten Boom had a way with words that have helped millions of people make sense of the senseless things that we go through in this life and happen to us when she said, “when I look around I get confused and when I look down I get depressed but when I look up my hearts at rest.” Her words help remind us all of what God has told us in His word that, “we walk by faith and not by sight.” Keep that in mind today that the Christian life is lived by faith not on explanations for the simple fact that the answers to our questions are often times nothing more than substitutions for our trust in God.

We will never comprehend the Lord’s plans by what we see going on around us as everything God does He does with eternity in mind. He is infinite and we are finite. So why am I sharing this with you today? I am sharing this with you to remind you like Corrie Ten Boom to look up today to God and let your heart be at rest today so your mind can enjoy His peace today. Walk with God today and talk with Him today knowing He is in control. Yes the world is out of control but God is not.

May we never forget that there is peace in the presence of God, and there is the fullness of joy there too. When we think of heaven we most often think of being in the presence of God. Because of what Jesus Christ has done for us in giving His life on Calvary’s Cross we can experience a bit of heaven on earth today because the truth be told, “God is with us” He is our Immanuel. Jesus promised us the gift of the Holy Spirit who would come to us, right where we are at now and He (the Holy Spirit) would be with us and in us and be upon us too. Jesus said He would be with us always!

That’s the good news of the gospel, that God is in you and with you if you are in Christ today and because of that you can make it regardless of what you might be facing today. Remember, don’t look down and get depressed, don’t look around and get confused, look up, fix your eyes on Jesus today and your heart will be at rest!

“Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:7


Michael Osthimer





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