Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven..."
Matthew 19:14
The time we spend with children has an impact on their life. What a blessing it is to be able to be apart of that, spending time with them in Children's Ministry. We believe and know that God has a specific plan for each of these precious kids lives and we love that we have the chance to teach your sweet kids about Jesus and the love He has for them!

Calvary Chapel Bakersfield has partnered with Ministry Safe to ensure there is a safe environment for your children. We have a strict Child Abuse Prevention Policy enforced. We also require background checks on all workers and volunteers prior to working with your children. To view our policy speak with Vanessa Quinn or visit the front office during normal business hours.

10:30 am

Those who minister to children at Christ Church are obedient to the loving command of Jesus to let the children come to him. Both children and adults involved in Children's Ministry are mutually blessed as we carry out the vision of the church " know Christ and make him known" through:
The main goal of Calvary Kids is to bring children to Christ through Sunday school, fellowship, and special events and projects. Through these venues, Christ is made known in the telling of God's story in scripture and the sharing of the life of Christ in us through our witness to the world.
- Worshiping together
- Learning together
- Reaching out to others with the love of Christ
The main goal of Calvary Kids is to bring children to Christ through Sunday school, fellowship, and special events and projects. Through these venues, Christ is made known in the telling of God's story in scripture and the sharing of the life of Christ in us through our witness to the world.
6:30 pm

***IGNITE is during school year, children's service still held year round!***
Ignite Kids Club provides children ages 4 years through 6th grade a fun and energetic way to grow in God's Word in an age-appropriate learning environment.
Enjoy memorizing the Bible, hearing amazing stories of God's love, singing, and game time!
This is a no cost program!
Ignite Kids Club provides children ages 4 years through 6th grade a fun and energetic way to grow in God's Word in an age-appropriate learning environment.
Enjoy memorizing the Bible, hearing amazing stories of God's love, singing, and game time!
This is a no cost program!
"Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it".
“Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me.”
Mark 9:36-37

Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Vanessa Quinn
Children's Ministry Director