He Reads You Like A Love Story

“O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD. You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand!”

Psalm 139:1–6

One of the many reasons I love reading my bible is it’s real. The Bible doesn’t sugar coat the lives of its characters, it merely reports the facts so that we see people as they are, warts and all. If we were to skip any of the sixty six books that make up the Bible we would be missing an integral link of the story line making it incomplete and in truth taking away our ability to appreciate fully the plan of God that He put in play even before He formed the world.

Life, yours and mine are like a book in many ways and each of our lives has a story to tell. We are made up of chapters, some good, some bad, some happy some sad. Most publishers will say that a great read (book) is one that includes intrigue and suspense, a hero and a villain, captivity and an ultimate rescue and life happily ever after. That reminds me of the Hallmark movies my wife enjoys and in many ways it makes sense. Life is full of twists and turns and if we are honest we won’t enjoy every chapter. Some chapters will break our hearts while other chapters will be so good you won’t want the chapter to end as you find yourself trying to figure out how to repeat the events over again and yet move on we must for life goes on.

If your life is anything like mine you have chapters in your life you love and others you loath. Many chapters are filled with tears, some of sorrow and others of joy. That’s why it’s called life and just like reading the Bible to understand and appreciate where you are today we read every book, every chapter from Genesis to Revelation. We don’t have the luxury of skipping over things we don’t like to get to the places we do. No, the Bible is clear, “all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose.”

Maybe you are in a difficult chapter of life right now and this particular chapter is painful. Don’t forget its just a chapter, its not your story, at least its not your whole story. Hold on to Jesus and look for Him. He won’t leave you alone and promises that if you will let Him, He will carry you through your own “Valley of the shadow of death” and bring safely to the shore on the other side where He wipes away every tear from our eyes and makes all things new. Rest in this today, loved one, if your life belongs to Jesus your ending isn’t only happy, in the truest sense your happiness will never come to an end. Thats what makes heaven heaven…

“No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 8:37-39


Michael Osthimer





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