All You Need And More


 Exodus 3:14

When God told Moses to go to Pharaoh and say, “Let My people go” Moses responded with a question. Moses asked what he should say when Pharaoh says, “who sent me”, and what should he say in response? The Lord told Moses, “tell him that ‘I Am’ sent you as if God was saying let Pharaoh fill in the blank as to who I Am ______.

Whatever we need God to be as the great “I Am” He is all that and then some. There is not one single title that can capture His beauty and the majesty and thats why in the Bible we find over 100 names for God that describe His multifaceted character. Any word will fall short in trying to describe God and thats why there are so many unique names to describe Him.  

What is it that you need today, I mean what do you really need? My prayer for you is that which the apostle Paul prayed over the believers in Philippi, “My God shall supply all of your needs by His riches and glory in Christ Jesus!” (Philippians 4:19). Think about it. If God identifies Himself as “I Am _______” what need could you possibly have that God cannot meet? None! The point is, God is all you and I could ever need and more!

Just a few names that come to mind when we consider the Great “I Am” are, He’s mighty and strong, Creator and Sustainer, He is Lord over all. He’s our Provider, Our Healer, Our Banner, Our Peace, Our Righteousness, Our Shepherd. He is the Lord of Hosts, The Lord most High, The God of seeing, Our Everlasting Father. The list goes on and on. It’s no wonder the writer of Hebrews exhorts us…

“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

Hebrews 4:16


Michael Osthimer





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