Pride Is Nothing To Celebrate

“Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor.”

Proverbs 29:23

It’s easy to read the title and think that this is a slam against the LGBQT+ groups who celebrate Pride Week and Pride Month throughout the year. I have nothing personal against those groups using the name PRIDE to express themselves. In truth my heart hurts for anyone, myself included who ever thinks of pride in a positive light. The Bible makes clear pride is the oldest sin in the universe and is what led to the fall of man. First, there was Lucifer in heaven and the Bible teaches us of his downfall, literally and figuratively that happened because of his pride. Then there was Adam and Eve. It was their pride that led them to go against God’s Word and believe the lie that if they ate the forbidden fruit they would be like God. Pride separates us from God, and God from us.

The way to avoid pride or to eradicate it from our lives when it seeks to raise its ugly head from within us is to immediately humble ourselves before God as nothing kills pride like humility. After all, it was James who under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit wrote down these words in James 4:6, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Don’t believe the lie, pride is nothing to celebrate. Pride is deadly, it always has been and it will always be. Keep this in mind today, only humility can get you out of what pride got you into! Therefore, humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up!

“Haughtiness (Pride) goes before destruction; humility precedes honor.”

Proverbs 18:12


Michael Osthimer





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