Did You Say Everything?

“Do everything without complaining and arguing”

Philippians 2:14

Reading the book of Philippians last night I was reminded of a funny story about a guy who wanted to become a monk so he joined a monastery. He met with the head abbot who laid down the ground rules. There is absolutely no talking. The only time a monk was allowed to talk is at the annual review with the head abbot. The days were to be spent studying and in silent meditation. At the end of the first year the head abbot asked the man if he had anything to say in two words and only two words, to which the man responded, “food bad”. At the end of the second year at the annual review the had abbot once again asked the man if he had anything to say in two words and only two words to which the man responded, “bed hard.” After the third year the head abbot again asked the man during the annual review if he had anything to share in two words and only two words. The man without hesitation said, “I quit” to which the head abbot replied, “Thats all well and good as all you have done is complain since you got here.”

The apostle Paul isn’t making a suggestion in the book of Philippians when he writes, do everything without complaining and arguing, for the simple fact that God knows many of us have a predisposition to argue or complain. I saw a quote that really spoke to me last week that said, “I stopped venting and I started praying because I don’t need sympathy, I need strength.” So true. I need strength and I thank God He will provide it if I will simply ask Him for it.

So, today, make it your prayer as I do mine, especially being that its a Monday and there is a long week ahead. Read Philippians 2:14 often as a reminder and then the answer as to why we should as the apostle writes, “Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.” In other words, live your life this week in such a way people look up to you like we do the stars in the heavens against the backdrop of a black night. Shine like a child of God knowing He is working in all things to bring us to a glorious end so that we can say like Joseph, “what the enemy meant for evil God turned it for good.”

"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."

Proverbs 25:11


Michael Osthimer





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