Your Scars Are The Proof Of His Love

The Scars Are Proof Of His Love

“But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.”

Isaiah 53:5

I have a song in my heart today that I want to share with you. Its by the musical group Mercy Me and the lyrics go like this,

“The nails in Your hands
The nails in Your feet
Tell me how much You love me
The thorns on Your brow
They tell me how
You bore so much shame to love me

And when the Heavens pass away
All Your scars will still remain
And forever they will say
Just how much You love me”

Have you ever thought that your scars are the proof of God’s love just like Jesus scars are proof of the Father’s love? Every wrong you have endured, every hurt that has ever been afflicted upon you, and every sin you have ever committed is an opportunity for God to reveal His love. The choice between being a victim and a victor are ours to make. Think about your testimony for a moment. We testify of God’s grace and mercy to us at the place of our greatest failure or hurt. We magnify the goodness of God when we appreciate publicly His faithfulness to us often times in spite of ourselves or as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death and make it to the other side because He was with us.

Because of Jesus we don’t need to try to hide our scars as the scars themselves are the proof of God’s redeeming love. Don’t forget that Jesus didn’t come to call the righteous to repentance, He came to save sinners who were in need of a Savior. Jesus took the nails for us and even in heaven He will bare the marks of His suffering for us not as a way of saying “Look what you did to Me” but rather to say for all eternity, “Look what I’ve done for you!”  

Regardless of what sin you have committed or how many times you have repeated it over and over again, you don’t have to live with the guilt and the shame any longer. Today you can be healed. Bring them to Jesus for healing as you confess your sin to Him and asking for His forgiveness which He freely offers. Jesus very own life is proof, the wound can be healed and yes the scar will remain. Our scars remain not as a sign of God’s punishment or judgment, but of His forgiveness and salvation and love as it was at the place of your deepest wound that Jesus met you, saved you and delivered you. You are forgiven, you are loved and your scars have a story to tell, His story!  

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8


Michael Osthimer





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