Sunglasses Required

Going into the weekend I have a prayer for you, I pray you see color this weekend wherever your travels take you! Perusing a book on evangelism I read an interesting quote that captured my attention, “when a Muslim gets saved they see color for the first time.” The reason being is that the commands of God are black and white and that’s how we should view them. Right and wrong are clearly spelled out in the bible yet there is something that brings color to even the black and white of God’s Word and that is the person of the Holy Spirit whom we receive when we are Born Again by placing our hope and trust in Jesus Christ. Without Jesus all you have is the law. When we receive Jesus Christ as Savior the Holy Spirit comes into our lives like an artist with paint and brush in His hand. He not only brings dimension to the black and white of God’s Word, He adds color! That’s why the Holy Spirit is the illuminator, as He brings everything to light.
Invite the Holy Spirit into your day, invite Him to show you things you could not otherwise see. Like my friend and fellow Pastor Gene has well said, “you don’t know what you don’t know” which should cause each of us to cry out to God daily. Never be afraid to say you are blind as when we confess that we just don't see the situation we are in clearly God is more than willing to fill us afresh with His Spirit so that we can. When the Holy Spirit opens our eyes there is color everywhere as the song below sings.
I needed someone else to turn to
someone who could help me learn to see
all the beauty that was waiting for me
You put the blue back in the sky
you put the rainbow in my eyes
the silver lining in my prayers
and now theres color everywhere.....
Don’t miss out! Take God’s hand and invite the Holy Spirit to give you eyes to see! Just remember to wear your sun glasses!
"In Him was life, and the life was the light of men."
John 1:4  

Michael Osthimer





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