You Can't back Into Your Future
“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead”
Philippians 3:13
The apostle Paul never owned a car but he understands the difficulty of trying to back into your future. Have you ever tried backing up a car? Especially when you try to use the rear view mirror to do so. It’s actually fun to watch people attempting to back up and especially if they are trying to back up a vehicle with a trailer attached to the back. It’s easy to turn the wheel the wrong direction and end up with the trailer all over the road but no where close to the desired destination. What’s true about backing up a vehicle the apostle Paul says is true about life too. Looking back over your shoulder while trying to go forward would be like trying to drive your car forward in reverse.
Here’s the point today, you can’t back into your future, loved one. If you are going to get where God wants you to be you will have to (using another automobile metaphor) let Jesus take the wheel. To get where God wants us to be we can’t go backwards to reach our destiny, what lies ahead the apostle Paul is saying. The apostle gives us two basic instructions we need to do if we are to enjoy our best life ever. First, we must let go, we must forget the things that are behind. Good, bad or indifferent the past is the past, and to get to where God would have us be we must let it go by faith. For most, even the apostle Paul at one time, his past had defined who he believed he was in the present. For the apostle his past was his ancestors and his religion and the good works that he believed would gain him the acceptance of God. Second, besides forgetting the past Paul set his heart and mind to press on to the upward call of God, found only in Jesus Christ through a personal relationship with Him. What Paul was saying is our future is found in Jesus Christ because our past died with him. In other words we don’t even have a past because when we gave our lives to Jesus, we died and in return we received new life when we were Born Again!
Press on today to know the Lord, loved one, keep moving forward growing in Gods Word with your eyes on the prize, looking unto to Jesus, following His example, receiving His grace knowing God has something new thing in store for you. Your best life is still to be as it’s in front of you, here right now. Forget the past yet hold on to the lessons you learned along the way and then press on to apprehend that which you were apprehended for. God saved you for Himself, to know Him and to enjoy Him, to walk with Him making Him known.
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.”
Isaiah 43:2
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