I'm Home With You
“so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.”
Romans 12:5
I was having a conversation with a couple after church this past week who had been attending for a few months but we had not been formally introduced. They said that after visiting for months now and praying and asking the Lord where He desired that they plug in that they sensed God’s leading to make “our church” “their home church”. Numerous times they used the word “home” to describe the feeling they felt while in service and the comfort they enjoyed after meeting some of our staff and ministry team. Over and over again they kept saying they just felt like they were “home”. Listening to them it was easy to tell that they associated home with people not the physical location of the church building.
I like when someone new tells me that when they come to church it feels like home to them and not an institution. After all, by God’s design the church isn’t something you attend, it’s a place you belong. And nothing blesses me more than when people visit the church and in a very short period of time feel like they belong, like they are home.
Home is where the heart is the old saying goes and it’s true and when I think of the local church and Jesus desire for it its important that we remember that the church isn’t so much an organization as much as its an organism. The church is alive because to God the church isn’t a building, its people being built up into the family of God by the life of Jesus, our risen Savior and living Lord.
You belong in church because you belong to God. It’s really that simple. Church is home for the believer as it’s where we find our fit as we get connected to other believers. We are part of God’s family, the body of Christ and each one of us has a unique place that no one else can fill. Yes, loved one, you belong in church as its there God turns a house into a home because a home is where the heart is. I might live on River Oaks Drive but my home is where my wife is. I have told her many times though the years we could live in a teepee or in a tent or cabin in the woods. To me, the location really doesn’t matter as long as she is there because for me, home isn’t a place its a person. Home is where my heart is because she is there.
Think about that today. The church isn’t a building, its people, people whose lives are connected together by God’s gifting and His design. We aren’t so much an organization, we are a living organism. We grow together through all the seasons of life, the highs the lows, the good times and the sad and no matter where life might take us in our travels we have this deep longing and satisfaction, there is no place like home!
“All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it”
1 Corinthians 12:27
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