How To Fix A Lemon

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Isaiah 43:18

The mechanic looks at you and smiles and says, “she’s as good as new” after completing the transmission repairs needed on your vehicle and you are relieved. If you owned the car since it was new the mechanic’s words would make sense to you but if you didn’t know what the car was like fresh off the factory floor you could only guess that everything functioned the way it was intended. But what if the car was a lemon from the time it was built? You know why they call cars lemons? The vehicle has a persistent problem that can't be fixed and it ultimately leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Some cars are destined for failure from day one and we have laws to protect consumers when one is found.

 Are you aware that people are a lot like cars? We are all “lemons” you might say as the Bible teaches us that even from our mothers womb we were flawed, born in sin and consequently, we all have fallen short of the glory of God. We all are born with a reoccurring problem called sin that is far more persistent than any issue a vehicle might face. The good news of the gospel is Jesus is the Master Mechanic. Actually, He is more like the engineer and the architect and manufacturer of the original design. God knows every inch of our being, from head to toe and the intricacies of even our most complex wiring system. To say He knows everything about us is an understatement.

When we bring our lives to God we do so recognizing we have a problem we can't fix. We don’t know what it is exactly but we are able to communicate to Him by saying things like, “something is just not right” or “it’s broke and I can’t fix it”. The good news is, God does know what’s wrong and is why He sent Jesus, the Master Mechanic you might say to make things right. What’s different about Jesus from an automotive mechanic is the mechanic is limited in his or her ability to repair a car where as Jesus has the ability to not only repair but He offers us a brand new life. The best you will ever hear from your mechanic is, “she’s as good as new” where as what you will hear from Jesus when you bring your life to Him is, “its better than new”. What, better than new? Is that even possible? The answer is a resounding YES!

Here's the point. Don’t settle for a temporary fix in your life, let God make you better than new! Bring your life to Jesus today, invite Him to look under the hood and into your heart. Don’t worry about using all the right terms to explain what’s wrong. God knows. Just trust Him, and listen to His instructions. Follow the maintenance schedule mapped out in God’s Word and enjoy mile after mile journeying through this life with the top down and your hands up as you journey with God and enjoy His company. Best of all, Jesus provides a lifetime warranty and even better than AAA roadside assistance. You can reach Him by calling Jeremiah 33:3…

“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

Jeremiah 33:3


Michael Osthimer





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