Just 12 Minutes A Day!

“But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”

Matthew 4:4

Like most I appreciate “pro tips” that teach me new things and help me save time and maximize my results. Here’s a “pro tip” for those wanting a deeper relationship with the Lord in 2023. Are you aware that if you determined to read your bible for just 12 minutes a day that in one year you would have read the through the entire Bible? I cannot think of a better use of 12 minutes during the course of a day, and don't forget the benefits are life changing.

Barna Research Institute put out some interesting statistics about the bible in the United States. The article said, “Over half of U.S. adults (54%) believe that America would be worse off without the Bible. Over half of American adults (55%) hold what is known to be a “high” view of scripture, which deems the Bible without error. 54% say the Bible contains everything a person needs to live a meaningful life. Just over one-third of U.S. adults (34%) reads the Bible once a week or more, while half (50%) read the Bible less than twice a year (including “never”). In between these two extremes, we find those who read the Bible more than twice a year, but not on a weekly basis (16%). Overall, one in six U.S. adults (16%) reads the Bible most days during the week.

One of our greatest blessings that come from reading the Bible on a daily basis is we can’t help but fall in love with its author, the Lord our God. The more we read the Bible the more we will come to know God, His love for His creation as well as His plan and purpose for our lives. The more we read the Bible the more peace and joy we will know in every circumstance we face. Reading the Bible on a daily basis puts life into its proper perspective as we learn to fix our eyes on Jesus as both the author and the perfecter of our faith. Just 12 minutes a day is all it takes to feed our soul and to enjoy the life God has always wanted for you! Don't forget, when you fall in love with the Bible you will fall in love with its author too!


Michael Osthimer





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