Sticky Note Love

It’s officially Christmas time and as the music is playing I can hear the words to a popular song, “He’s making a list… and checking he’s checking it twice…” which reminded me of something I read this past week. Lists are big business at Christmas time. I can’t count all the shopping carts I have used while shopping where someone who used the cart before me left their shopping list. I enjoy seeing the lists where all the items have a line through them. Did you know that, “sticky notes” sales are almost half a billion dollars annually? Thats a lot of reminders out there. Are you aware that even God makes notes?

In Isaiah 49:16 the Lord tells us, “See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands…” Ok, it’s not actually a sticky note per-se but the Word of God does say God has our names engraved on the palm of His hand which is even better. Your name is not written on God’s hand to convey that God had to write our names down so He wouldn't forget us. The opposite is true. The message the Bible is communicating to us is that we are so very loved by God and He cares so much for us that He engraved our names in the palm of His hand because He can’t forget us. It’s like saying, “you are in my heart always wherever life takes me you are there by my side.”

We make notes and most often when we write things down we do so in hopes that we don’t forget where as God on the other hand writes things down as a declaration, record of what He loves and will always remember, namely, me and you! Be it in the palm of His hand or in the Book of Life, our names are there as a reminder that we are loved and we will always be.. And if we needed any more proof of God’s love, just think, one day we will see our Lord face to face we will see Jesus note to us inscribed as it were by…  

“The nails in Your hands
The nails in Your feet
Tell me how much You love me.
The thorns on Your brow
They tell me how
You bore so much shame to love me.

And when the Heavens pass away
All Your scars will still remain
And forever they will say
Just how much You love me.”  


Michael Osthimer




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