Hospital For The Holidays

Hospital For The Holidays

We can learn a lot about how to approach Christmas by studying the life of two sisters, Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42. Martha you might say had the gift of entertaining and her sister Mary had the gift of hospitality. The point I want to make is don’t underestimate the gift of hospitality at the holidays where we can open our homes to others in celebrating the birth of our Savior. It’s important to understand that there is a big difference between entertaining people and showing them hospitality.

Those with the gift of entertaining will open their homes at Christmas and guests will be in awe as they arrive and walk through the doors and are overcome by the pageantry. It’s obvious at first glance a tremendous amount of time was dedicated to decorating and creating the perfect atmosphere. Those with the gift of entertaining might even have a home that is equipped with all the bells and whistles along with the latest and greatest technology. Because of that much of the conversations around the table tend to be about stuff due to all the beautiful decorations, place settings, centerpieces and trimmings that capture our attention.  

The good news about the gift of hospitality is the size of the house is insignificant nor does the age of the furnishings matter or if the home is high tech or not. Where entertainment tends to get our attention on all the things in the home, those with the gift of hospitality focus on the people there. As I think back over my own life and my Christmas memories, the most enjoyable and memorable experiences I ever had took place in homes that most would consider small and modestly furnished at best but were occupied by hosts and hostesses with gigantic hearts who went out of their way to make you feel loved and cared for.

Here’s something to think about at Christmas. The root word of “hospitality” is where we get our English word “hospital”. The focus of a hospital is to treat people and seek to make them whole. I can tell you first hand that in the hospital I was recently in only had a small television. Obviously, entertainment was the furthest thing from the doctors and nurses minds who were caring for me, but I thank Jesus making me whole while showing me hospitality was. Yes, we can learn a lot from Mary and Martha on the best way to care for those we invite into our homes at Christmas and throughout the New Year.


Michael Osthimer





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