Little's Make Bigs

“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.”

John 13:34

I read this quote yesterday that said, “The smallest gestures build the strongest bond” and it reminded me immediately of this true Story! One evening a pastor and some friends from church go to a local Denny’s to get a bite to eat. After they are seated a waitress approaches them and is extremely rude in her words, her tone and even her body language. And not only was she rude but she wreaked of cigarette smoke as she was just returning from her break. The pastors original thought was, “man if she only knew that I believe tipping is a ministry! If she knew what a big tipper I am there’s no way she would be treating me and my friends this way.”

The pastor asked the waitress her name and she responded sharply “Vicky”. He politely asked her if she could go and get her manager to which she did. When the manager returned the pastor said, “Hey I just want to thank you for hiring Vicki here, she is amazing! She’s a very hardworking waitress who listens to her customers and tries her best to give the customer a memorable experience. I know it’s hard to find a good employee like her and in a world full of negativity I wanted to personally thank you for her and for the blessing she must be being a member of you team. The manager smiled and said how much he appreciated the pastor taking the time to share his thoughts and then he turned and walked away.

A few minutes later Vicki came back to the table with tears steaming down her face and she apologized profusely for her bad attitude. She told the pastor her life was a total mess and then she asked why did he say such kind things to her manager? The pastor said, Vicky, I simply chose to see you how God would see you if your heart belonged to him. I chose to see you through the eyes of faith, to see the person who I believe you could be in Jesus, not just who you are.

That night he led Vicky to receive Jesus Christ. The next Sunday she came to church and brought her son with her and there he too gave his heart to the Lord. But thats not the end. Over the course of just a few weeks Vicky brought 27 people with her to church who all ended up giving their heart to Jesus too. Twenty-nine people and counting have come to Christ over one little act of kindness. Proving once again that littles make bigs!

What a great reminder for me and you to pray each day that God would fill us with His Spirit so that when we come in contact with others that we too would see them through the eyes of faith and who they could be if their heart belonged to Jesus. Pray for God’s power so that we interact with people we would respond in the same way Jesus would. After all, it was Jesus himself who said…

“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

John 13:35


Michael Osthimer





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