Own The Room

“Never stop praying”

1 Thessalonians 5:17

I have a friend who knows how to pray, I mean really knows how to pray. He has written books on prayer, he’s taught seminars on prayer, he’s led prayer meetings all around the world. I have witnessed first hand miracles of God because of his prayers. Some would call him a prayer warrior, others would say he is a praying machine as a term of endearment. So a couple of weeks ago when he was sharing with me on how I could become an effective prayer warrior I was all ears.

He quoted this verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 which most believers are familiar with and most if they are honest would say they themselves do not do. Paul didn’t pen that verse to make us feel guilty about what we failed to do. He wrote that down as an exhortation and an encouragement of what we as followers of Jesus are capable of doing!

The automatic question that comes up when you read 1 Thessalonians 5:17 is how do we pray without stoping or as some translations say, “without ceasing”? I loved how my friend explained how he goes about his day. I encourage you to try it yourself as I know for me it’s been a life changing and life giving experience. I have never felt more in tune with God and in touch with what the Lord desires to do than I do right now. My friend said every where you go pray for the people you see before you even speak with them. As an example. If you go into a restaurant today, begin praying for the people you see as you walk in the door. Not out loud, just in your heart. Pray for the waitresses and waiters, hosts and hostesses. Pray for the other patrons in the restaurant and if you are meeting someone start to pray for them before you even sit down. Like I said, I don’t mean to pray out loud or even pray with those I just mentioned. Simply lift them to God in prayer. You might be amazed at what the Lord reveals to you and how praying before hand can guide the direction the conversation goes.

When we pray without ceasing we keep our hearts tuned into God and His will and desire for our lives and even those around us. As I began to put this into practice I coined a phrase to help me remember to pray in this manor every day. I would remind myself before I walk into a room, “Own The Room” which to me means let the Spirit of God lead and guide me as I enter any room. As I begin praying silently in my heart and mind for the people around me God prepares me for whatever it is He desires me to do. Praying like this reminds me that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. When I become proactive in my prayer life instead of praying after the fact I feel empowered and receptive to the Lord’s leading. Psalm 32:8 says, “The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

Living in this attitude of prayer gives me confidence in the Lord. What I mean is when I live in a constant state of prayer, “never stop praying” I get this sense of mission and purpose like never before. I feel what I believe Moses must have felt when the Lord told him to take off his sandals for where he stood was holy ground. Are you aware that because the Lord lives in you where you stand at any given moment in time is holy ground? Knowing “greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world” is true we can resist the devil knowing he will flee. The enemy is nothing in comparison to Jesus and its no wonder then why the apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 6 to put on the full armor of God so we can withstand the schemes of the wicked one. Our armor is a picture of Christ as every piece of our armor has something to do with who Jesus is. Prayer is how we can make a stand against the forces of evil and see people set free. It’s no wonder then that the apostle Paul would encourage us with these words, “Never Stop Praying.”

Let me encourage you with all my heart, “Own The Room”. Remind yourself every day wherever you go, “Own The Room” by taking a stand in prayer for everyone you see. Remember, you have authority and you have power, you have purpose and the Lord is with you. In Jesus you can as the old saying goes, “Carpe Diem”, which means “Seize the Day” as you learn to never stop praying!

“Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”

Matthew 6:9–10


Michael Osthimer





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