We'll Leave The Light On

We’ll Leave The Light On

“Jesus, the one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.”

John 1:9.

Teaching from Acts 13 where Paul and Barnabas traveled to Antioch of Pisidia, the first thing they did upon arrival was look for a place to worship. More important than finding a hotel was finding a place where they could share Jesus. They found a synagogue and attended services there and when the Jewish leaders learned of Paul and Barnabas background they asked them if they had any encouragement to share with the people. The apostle Paul was never one to miss a chance to talk about Jesus so he stood and addressed the crowd.

They liked what Paul had to say so much the people invited them back on the next Sabbath because they wanted to hear all about the grace of the Lord. The news spread quickly and the entire city turned out on the following Saturday to hear what Paul would say. As you read further in the chapter some of the Jews saw the crowds that came to hear Paul and they became jealous of him and tried to stir something up to discredit he and Barnabas. Unmoved by the backbiting Paul basically said, “Don’t shoot the messenger” and explained that he and Barnabas were only doing what Jesus had instructed them to do.

The gospel was first to the Jew and then the gentiles and that was the strategy that Paul employed as he traveled from city to city and town to town. Going to the Jews first wasn’t a value statement but rather one of order. It’s not that God loved the Jews more than the gentiles but He did love them first. When the Jews pushed back against Paul and his message he didn’t fight them, he honored their decision and shook the dust off his sandals as he left the city looking for the open door. As I read the end of Acts 13 an old commercial slogan came to mind.

When I was a kid you could stay in a motel 6 for you guessed it, $6.00 a night. The price was low as there was no phone, no television, just a clean bed and bathroom for the budget conscious traveler. In the 1980’s the company came up with an ad campaign that many people (especially my age and older) still recall to this day. A voice actor would end every commercial with these words, “I’m Tom Bodett for Motel 6, and we’ll leave the light on for you.” I thought of how when the Jews ran Paul and Barnabas out of town it was as if they were turning the light off and saying, “Don’t come back!” Regardless of how the Jews treated them Paul and Barnabas were determined to “Keep the light on” as they headed to the next town.

Jesus had prepared his disciples to be rejected when he told them in John 15:18, “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first.” It’s hard to believe anyone could hate Jesus but it’s true, they did and yet He still leaves the light on so to speak. Thats the gospel of grace. You will never find a no vacancy sign when it comes to Jesus. He not only leaves the light on, as His life is the light of men. The message of the gospel is always good news to weary travelers. Keep that in mind today if you feel tired and worn out by this world.

Accept Jesus invite when He said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). Jesus, not only will leave the light on for you, He paid for your reservation and He will even carry your luggage too!

“All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.”

John 3:20–21


Michael Osthimer





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