Knowledge is Power

Feb 13, 2022    Mike Osthimer

When I read Romans chapter 6 I am reminded of the Civil War that began in this country back in 1861 between the northern and southern states over the issue of slavery. When President Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation, it put an end to slavery on January 1, 1863. The problem of slavery wasn’t overcome simply by Lincoln’s declaration. Many slaves had been beaten physically, tormented emotionally. Most were third and fourth generation slaves and slavery was all they knew. When some would tell them they were free others would tell them they were still slaves. Most slaves needed to be retrained in how they thought about slavery. They needed to be taught how to live as free men, how to embrace their new identity.

What was true then is still true today for believers. Before coming to Christ we were slaves to sin, beaten down and in bondage to the Old man, the old way of living and the old way of thinking.