The God of All Comfort

May 8, 2022    Mike Osthimer

Today is Mothers Day, the second Sunday of May where we as a country stop and celebrate the women in our lives who gave us life and to those who raised us and loved us and cared for us when we could do nothing for ourselves. Happy Mothers Day to you moms with us today. We are so blessed by the number of godly women and mothers who faithfully serve Jesus each week here at Calvary Chapel and impact not only the lives of our children but us all.

I would be a miss if I didn’t say Mother’s Day is a difficult day for many people. Difficult in that maybe you didn’t have a good relationship with your mom. Maybe you have yet to have children or you are unable to conceive at all. Maybe you have lost a child or have an estranged son or daughter. Maybe your mom is no longer with you and the pain of today outweighs the joy you once had on this special day.

Though all those reasons are painful most women would still agree its appropriate to give honor where honor is due in remembering the love and sacrifice so many women have made. If you have been with us for a few years you know Mother’s Day is a great celebration for me as I am surrounded by godly Mom’s. I have been my whole life. My Mom is in heaven today and I still thank God for the gift of her life. Her life taught me more about the unconditional love of God than any one person. My wife and the Mom of our three kids, Lee. My grandmother, my two older sisters Beth and Susan, my mother in law Marj. My daughter Bree and my daughters in law, Jackie and Britney. Countless women who make up our staff and volunteers. There is no shortage of amazing women and Moms and I thank God for each of you today.