
Sep 8, 2024    Mike Osthimer

Last week we learned that no matter where God

leads us in this world every day is an opportunity to

reflect Jesus Christ to the world around us. Every

day is an opportunity to know Jesus Christ and to

make Him known. Thats what the apostle Paul

dedicated his life to.

God’s goal for our lives is to develop a greater

sensitivity to the Holy Spirits leading in our lives as

well as a sensitivity to the people we come in

contact with. From studying the apostle Paul’s life

we find that he lives his life with a sense of urgency.

Though Paul didnt know what the future held he

knew who held the future. I like that expression,

“friends don’t let friends miss heaven.” Paul lived

with a sense of urgency knowing that one day Jesus

was going to return and judge the world. Nothing

was more important to Paul than being in the will of

God and he wanted God’s will for the world as Paul

knew that “God was not willing that any should

perish but that all should come to repentance.”