Living The Good Life

May 26, 2024    Mike Osthimer

Me…Introduce a dilemma that I face. (In Acts 13 we read of the Holy Spirits commissioning of Saul and Barnabas. As Saul, Paul heads out on his first missionary journey. Jesus called them to share the gospel. The Holy Spirit had something special for them to do? As I read that text and I wondered, does God have a special work for me to do and if so, how do I discover it?). I know “You can’t do big things if you are distracted by small things”. You might be thinking, wait a minute.

You are the pastor… shouldn’t you know if God has a special thing for you to do? Every day is a new day. I get in ruts just like you do. The easy answer is I know God has called me to teach His Word and I know He has a call on your life too. But the question that I am asking God this morning for me and for you is, am I doing and are you doing that “special” work God has for us like He did Saul and Barnabas that we read about here in Acts 13?