Behold The Birds
Are you aware that the number one threat to our joy is fear, worry, anxiety so when the apostle Paul speaks about deep lasting and satisfying joy its only right that he addresses the very thing that stands in our way. What you have to love about how the apostle Paul goes about addressing the issue is he does so in two short verses. I like that. The solution to our worry and stress is not as complex as some might think. Simple yes, simplistic no.
Think about it for a moment… what are you afraid of.
Perceived worry from real fear. Most of us worry about things that will never come to pass all the while ignoring things that are right in front of us. Its estimated that 20% of all drivers don’t wear seat belts, and that 75% text while driving. How about cigarette smoking? It says right on the package that smoking is the number one cause of lung disease and can kill you.